Sorry for not posting sooner, and letting the blog suffer over the weekend. It was a good weekend, and things seem to be right on schedule.So Saturday was the 10K race, St Patty's Day. I was hoping just to run right around or under 33 mins flat.
I had heard from many people the course is long, and everyone's GPS systems seemed to confirm that, at 6.35 to 6.4 miles. I ran 33:48, and figure it was about 45 secs to 1 minute long, putting me right where I wanted to be.
Here's the HR data for the race:

Kind of funny to look at it, because you can't even see the surges I put in. It just shows how my body is able to go to top end right away, and then hold it for the race. What's also pretty amazing is the fact that I only hit 184 bpm, which is the first time I've seen it north of 180 in a year! I remember just a few years ago it was up in the 196 range. That's how much Ironman training can change your body!
I hadn't done any intervals yet this year, so it was pretty good. I'm even pretty happy that I sensed my fitness pretty well. Oh, and I did beat James. But he is ready to race well at Oceanside.
Yesterday was my first day in the weight room, which was preceeded by a light jog. I spent about 50 mins in the weight room total, being pretty conservative on the amount of weight I lifted.Today was a swim day, with an easy bike ride to the pool at UCSD and back home. Did the noon masters session, and thankfully it was a good aerobic set. 4x400, with some additional stuff, about 4K total for me. Everyday I feel like I get faster, even when I'm just recovering.
Speaking of getting faster, I can't believe how well all my clients are doing. (Actually, I can believe it, I'M A GOOD COACH DAMN IT!) But it is really going well, as the ones who are doing Oceanside are all telling me how much they feel so good and fit right now. I'm really excited to go watch Oceanside 70.3!
Earlier this evening, I was playing my iPod on random, on the stereo, and an interview from last February came on, from Endurance Radio, that I did. It was interesting to hear myself, and where I was back then. My whole focus was the Olympic Trials, along with XTERRA. A few months later I was performing at a new level at the Olympic Training Center, and thought I was well on my way.In the weeks following I would get injured, develop hypoglycemia, suffer some of the most frustrating events in my XTERRA races, and would suffer the low point when I got my butt kicked at San Diego International, running like CRAP off the bike. I ran nearly 4 mins slower that day than I had in the previous years.
Fast forward to now...Ironman and long course are my focus, and I'm working with Peter Reid, ready to try to make my mark as the top American in Ironman racing. It was just really amazing to hear that interview and see what a different athlete and person I am now.
Endurance Radio is now, and they have a great interview with Cliff English, who is the US National Coach. He said something which I smiled about, when he mentioned people who are "racers" have something special, which you don't really see in training, they just step it up when it counts. Racers have "the magic come out" on race day, as he put it. I take a lot of pride in being one of those guys. This is why I love to race the best in world, and see what I've got. Sometimes, I look back and am amazed at some of the stuff I was able to do. Hopefully, there is a lot more of that to come!
Vance - 2007 NFA
good job at the 10k. Just any FYI -the image doesn't enlarge so we can't read the data. I can't at least.
I cannot enlarge the picture either Jim. Would be cool to see.
Take care.
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