When I first started working with Peter Reid, we talked about the training plan for Ironman Florida, and what I needed to know. The one thing he stressed time and again, "Most people overtrain for Ironman." When he sent me the final training phase after LA Triathlon, to prepare for IMFL, I replied to his email with, "Is this all???" Sure enough, as small as it seemed compared to what I expected, Pete knew what he was doing.
I'm not going to share my full volumes and things, and say that Peter's way is the only way, but I came across a blog of a pro who finished top 20 in Kona last year, and will be doing Arizona in two weeks, and I had to wonder if maybe he really is an Ironman genius. Here is an excerpt from his blog:
Back to the training block...since Christmas, the volume of training has been consistently over 32-33hr per week. If I look over my training diary and just look at the training volume for this year's weeks, this is what I've done:
37:45(last week)
and the updated totals are (through today)
Swim: 347.1km
Bike: 6909km
Run: 1449km
It has been a consistently tough year so far for me, as the numbers confirm :P Through the last couple weeks, I definitely feel a loss of fitness or in another words, I'm getting really tired and some workouts are very tough. But I'm sure all the hard work will be worth it when I cross the finish line at Ironman Arizona for the third time. I'm really looking forward to racing, seeing some old friends, and punching my ticket to Kona.
When I read this, my jaw about hit the floor! My highest week in preparation for Florida was maybe 30 hours, MAYBE!
We shall see how this individual does, and I truly do wish him the best, but I honestly can't believe someone can do this much training, and still keep quality, as well as stay injury-free. If he doesn't do well, it shows again that Pete is probably very right.
Tomorrow is the California 70.3 race. My pick to win is Kate Major for the women, and Luke Bell if he's racing for the men. I'm looking forward to watching it, and seeing how it goes.
If you're out at the race and see me, say hello!
Vance - 2007 NFA
Friday, March 30, 2007
Different Training Philosophies
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ok, definitely feeling the workload!
I thought I felt it yesterday, and I did. Then today, I felt it even more! Maybe it didn't help that today was big day as well!
Started the day with 4K in the water at 7:30 AM. Wednesday is our time trial day at the UCSD masters, and my time has slowed 3% over the last 2 weeks from my fastest 200 I had set when I got back from Panama.
This is good news and bad news. The bad news is I'm just not swimming as fast as I was, but really, that's not too bad. The Panama trip gave me a chance to rest, and since the return I have been training quite hard. This proves my workload is high, and I'm on the track. It also helps to show that I can expect a minimum of 3% improvement when I rest, but chances are I will be looking more at a 10% improvement being likely after I finish these last blocks of training in April. It could just be wishful thinking, but training is pretty logical.
After the pool today, it was home for some breakfast, then on the bike for 3 1/2 hours, with 5 times up Mt Soledad. After the ride I headed home and ate a little something before heading back to UCSD for my run and drills with accelerations, and hit the weight room at the rec center.
Finally home and done with the day's workouts, and it was almost 7 PM.
Otherwise, it's time for me to start recovering for getting ready for Carlsbad 5000. Should be a great speed workout for me. I'm looking forward to a light three days.
My clients seem to be ready to go this Saturday at Oceanside 70.3. I'm looking forward to watching the race and seeing how they do. My biggest challenge is getting them to rest properly and still believe they are fit. We'll see how it goes.
Vance - 2007 NFA
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Feeling the workload
After a complete rest day yesterday, I was excited to get back to training and figured I was ready to tear it up! WRONG! It became clear I underestimated my work load from the weekend, especially Sunday's long run of over 2 hours, and then the weight session.
It's amazing, but in the pool, I always seem to swim better and faster as the workout goes on. It literally takes me 2-3K until I am warmed up and really swimming in my rhythm and groove. So it was no surprise when I hit my groove on the last set of descending 100's. I swear I swam each round the same way, but for some reason, the last round is the fastest almost always. Anyways, I struggled a little today in the water.
It seemed like a step back, but it just shows I'm working hard. Having some slower days in the water is normal, but if it gets really bad then you need to back off. Pete always tells me, "When the swimming starts to suck, it's a clear sign you're over-training."
About an hour after the pool workout, I started my run workout for the day. 30 min warm-up, 3x10 mins with 3 min recoveries, then 4x1 min with 2 min recoveries, and cool down to make 90 mins. I try to start off conservative and make the last interval the fastest. Oddly enough, I felt fine, but it was clear that my heartrate was higher than I expected, especially for my effort level.
In summary, I underestimated the workload of the past weekend. Tomorrow is a big day as well, then I shut it down and get ready for Carlsbad 5000. We'll see how that one goes.
Since many people read this who don't know about where I train, and what it's like in San Diego, I figured I would share with you some of the places I use in my training. After reading the Inside Triathlon magazine issue on Boulder, I actually started to realize more how much I love San Diego! It's fine that they gave the distinction of Tri-Mecca to Boulder, as I'd rather have everyone move there than here!
So here's some brief photos of the areas and facilities I train at...This is the woods where I do a lot of my interval training, like today.

This is the Canyonview Aquatic Center on campus. We switch to long course next Monday, and I'M REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Finally, a rest day!
So it's Monday, my first rest day in what seems like forever! Ok, it was last Thursday, but that felt like forever, considering how busy I was that day!
I know I've been slacking on the blog, and I will try to keep it at no less than 5 posts a week.
The training this past weekend went pretty well. I've got two bigger days Tuesday and Wednesday, then shut things down for the Carlsbad 5000 on Sunday. Not sure what to expect out at C-bad, as originally I thought I might come close to the 15:00 barrier, but now I think 15:30-15:45 is more relastic, as my speed just doesn't seem to be there yet. Not bad though, for an Ironman guy!
Been looking at the Wildflower entry list and who is scheduled to be there. Looking like quite an impressive field:
Simon Lessing
Craig Walton
Greg Remaly
Luke Bell
Bryan Rhodes
Josiah Middaugh
Leon Griffin
Brian Fleischman
Brian Lavelle
I'm sure there will be more to add as the time gets near, and I know I'm missing a few already, but you get the idea. It appears the defending champ, Terenzo Bozzone, will not be racing as he is coming off knee surgery from a bike crash. Well, if I needed any extra motivation, looking at that list should help.
Saturday I will be out watching the California 70.3 race here in Oceanside. Should be fun, with about 7 clients doing the race and a bunch of friends. I know I will wish I was racing, but I'm glad I'm waiting for Wildflower.
If you're going to be out at the races this weekend, say hello!
Vance - 2007 NFA
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Macky....Holy CRAP!
Monday, March 19, 2007
Back with the posts...
Sorry for not posting sooner, and letting the blog suffer over the weekend. It was a good weekend, and things seem to be right on schedule.So Saturday was the 10K race, St Patty's Day. I was hoping just to run right around or under 33 mins flat.
I had heard from many people the course is long, and everyone's GPS systems seemed to confirm that, at 6.35 to 6.4 miles. I ran 33:48, and figure it was about 45 secs to 1 minute long, putting me right where I wanted to be.
Here's the HR data for the race:

Kind of funny to look at it, because you can't even see the surges I put in. It just shows how my body is able to go to top end right away, and then hold it for the race. What's also pretty amazing is the fact that I only hit 184 bpm, which is the first time I've seen it north of 180 in a year! I remember just a few years ago it was up in the 196 range. That's how much Ironman training can change your body!
I hadn't done any intervals yet this year, so it was pretty good. I'm even pretty happy that I sensed my fitness pretty well. Oh, and I did beat James. But he is ready to race well at Oceanside.
Yesterday was my first day in the weight room, which was preceeded by a light jog. I spent about 50 mins in the weight room total, being pretty conservative on the amount of weight I lifted.Today was a swim day, with an easy bike ride to the pool at UCSD and back home. Did the noon masters session, and thankfully it was a good aerobic set. 4x400, with some additional stuff, about 4K total for me. Everyday I feel like I get faster, even when I'm just recovering.
Speaking of getting faster, I can't believe how well all my clients are doing. (Actually, I can believe it, I'M A GOOD COACH DAMN IT!) But it is really going well, as the ones who are doing Oceanside are all telling me how much they feel so good and fit right now. I'm really excited to go watch Oceanside 70.3!
Earlier this evening, I was playing my iPod on random, on the stereo, and an interview from last February came on, from Endurance Radio, that I did. It was interesting to hear myself, and where I was back then. My whole focus was the Olympic Trials, along with XTERRA. A few months later I was performing at a new level at the Olympic Training Center, and thought I was well on my way.In the weeks following I would get injured, develop hypoglycemia, suffer some of the most frustrating events in my XTERRA races, and would suffer the low point when I got my butt kicked at San Diego International, running like CRAP off the bike. I ran nearly 4 mins slower that day than I had in the previous years.
Fast forward to now...Ironman and long course are my focus, and I'm working with Peter Reid, ready to try to make my mark as the top American in Ironman racing. It was just really amazing to hear that interview and see what a different athlete and person I am now.
Endurance Radio is now http://www.enduranceplanet.com/, and they have a great interview with Cliff English, who is the US National Coach. He said something which I smiled about, when he mentioned people who are "racers" have something special, which you don't really see in training, they just step it up when it counts. Racers have "the magic come out" on race day, as he put it. I take a lot of pride in being one of those guys. This is why I love to race the best in world, and see what I've got. Sometimes, I look back and am amazed at some of the stuff I was able to do. Hopefully, there is a lot more of that to come!
Vance - 2007 NFA
Friday, March 16, 2007
A successful Oceanside 70.3 Talk
I never actually mentioned it on here, but last night I did a talk at B+L in Solana Beach, and the event was a big success!
I've received a bunch of emails from people who attended the event, and some others who have read the article I wrote on the event, and the feedback has been entirely positive and thankful for doing the talk. I'm happy to see it going over so well.
Since I am not going to be doing Oceanside, and instead doing the Carlsbad 5000 the day after, I'm looking forward to going out and watching my clients and friends compete in the race.
Tomorrow morning is the 10K, and we'll see how it goes. Not feeling all that great, but not feeling bad either. We shall see how it goes.
Vance - 2007 NFA
Thursday, March 15, 2007
About to head out the door...
About to head out for my training for today, 3:30 ride, with 30 min t-run. Luckily it's all cruise pace, first and second HR zones. I'll be saving my energy and effort for Saturday's St. Patrick's 10K at Mission Bay, where I'll get a good test. Pete really believes a 10K gets you ready for a half better than a half-marathon does, and I agree.
I have been reviewing the Panama race a lot, and trying to figure out where I lost it. Some funny observations:
1. I had been on my mountain bike 1 time in 2007 before the race. That was the weekend before the race.
2. I feel like I'm swimming pretty well, and it's starting to show. I have been moving in the water this week. Yesterday did a 200 yard time trial at UCSD, 2:06. Best time yet, and I was pretty conservative, know I can go 2:03. Looking at how big a gap I had in the race was pretty impressive. Excited about that.
3. I haven't done ANY threshold work on the run, and I think that's why I fell apart and Rom was able to hold his gap on me. This weekend's 10K will be a good step toward getting things set for Wildflower. I don't really know what to expect for this weekend. I know I'll be happy if I go sub 33 mins. In a couple weeks I'll also be doing the Carlsbad 5000. That should be a good test as well. I originally had hoped I could challenge the 15 min barrier, but now I don't know if that's possible based on my training. However, I think I should be right around 15:30.
I'm looking forward to seeing how my boy Jameson is going to do this weekend. He better not let me beat him! (That's right, I'm calling you out here! Unless I just run really well, hahaha).
Otherwise, things are going well. I'm excited the season has started, but excited there is still of plenty of time to continue my preparations for Wildflower.
Well, off to ride...and no, I don't have my new bikes yet. Waiting on SRAM.
Vance - 2007 NFA
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
First off, sorry it has taken me about 5 days to get another post up. It's been a long trip back home, and the first day back was so incredibly busy, I've been slammed.
If you don't already know, I got 2nd in Panama, (AGAIN!) Here's the race report on Inside Triathlon's website: http://www.insidetriathlon.com/portal/news/news.asp?item=107666
So, in order to make up for some late postings, here are more photos from the event, which are pretty cool, and help to show what the experience was like. (Click on a photo to get the larger version).
This is part of the descent, a gulley, bobsled-like trail.

The chase is on, coming out of the trail, hitting the road for the last 4K to T2. I would catch Rom here. He was tough as hell on the trail though! You can tell how tired I am, because my climbing form sucks here!
Friday, March 9, 2007
Just another Friday in Panama...

Thursday, March 8, 2007
Thursday in Panama...
It's late morning in Panama now, and I have been up for a few hours. Made a few phone calls, had breakfast here at the hotel, and met with the director for UTP, (Triathlon Union of Panama), Allan Baitel, and another member, Ricardo.
We had some brief discussions about this weekend, what to expect, the press conference tonight, etc.
I am headed to the pool shortly, at Union Club. Tomorrow I will probably go to the Olympic-sized pool, 50 meter. It's pretty cool, on an old US Military base. Not sure how many people reading this are familiar with Panama, but there is a BIG US presence here, due to the Panama Canal. Panama also has more banks based here than any other country in Latin America, due to the stability of the economy, and the US dollar. US Dollars are the main currency here, so you don't even have to exchange your money. They call their currency the Balboa, but it doesn't actually exist, and it's a 1:1 ratio with the US dollar.
I seriously can't believe how much this place continues to grow, it's exponential!
The race this weekend is the big event of the year for the UTP, and the race is now the Pan American Off-Road Triathlon Championships. It's Thursday, and they're already promoting the event for Sunday in the newspaper!
Here's the article in today's La Prensa, roughly translated by me with help from a website, (forgiveness please, I'm short on time)...
Marisa Diaz, Triathlon AddictIt is late in Amador and in the distance you can hear a pair of bicycles. Children, men, women and elderly they are prepared to initiate a family walk and although the sun is being put out nobody is about to leave. They will travel out and return on the Causeway, some in bicycles and others on foot, with the only purpose to share a good while and to do a little exercise. Marisa Díaz was one of them.
It arrived with a bicycle of black color, lent and conditioned for traveled through extremes. "When I finished the journey, I was so motivated that I wanted to continue. It was, almost, a pre notice of what would convert me seven years later", she explains from where the passion of triathlon was born, the indisputable champion of this discipline in Panama. In 2001 they invited her to an activity of the Union of Triathlon of Panama in Amador and she responded for curiosity, since she had heard it was a discipline which combined cycling, swimming and running. "I loved it and I began to learn and introduce me in the triathlon". "Since that moment I have not stopped learning, to perfect me and to improve my team", commented Díaz, who prefers the run, by giving her the time to think, to organize her ideas and above all to set new goals. "The trialtón is like a healthy addiction. When you initiate cannot stop and find always an excuse to compete and to practice it", reveals Díaz.
For her to be maintained healthy is an aspiration, to be able to comply with all its goals, among them to defend the national crown of the International Triathlon, that this weekend will be disputed in Portobelo. Also she desires to compete in an Ironman, an exacting test in which the athletes have to swim 3 thousand 800 meters, to walk in bicycle 180 kilometers and to run 42 kilometers.
She is 35 years and graduate in Marketing, with mastery in business Administration, lives for the triathlon. "It is a habit that you cannot leave, but is good for your body and your life", reveals. "Really always I coach for thenights, one or two hours are sufficient and my delivery is total. During the day I try to eat healthy", emphasizes the triathlete, who has very few rivals and owns six national titles and of the triathlon.
In 2002, participated in Fiji in Echo-Challenge. "It was a really hard test, but a pretty experience that never will forget and that few have the opportunity to experience". Two years later I represented to Panama in the Ironman of Brazil, the one that finished after 13 hours. "The daily routine at times tires and therefore i like to change the settings and thus I utilize the Park Omar, Clayton, Albrook and Causeway, where six years ago I began for mere curiosity", explains. Triathlon Xtremo they have been confirmed that some 150 athletes will participate of the IX version of the International Triathlon of Portobelo, that will be disputed in the Atlantic coast in Columbus, this weekend. The news of this year is that will become a stop official of the pan-american one Xtremo.
Winners The triathlon of last year was earned by the legend Argentina Oscar Galíndez, and in the female branch succeeded Viviana Chavarría. The event of this year will be opened with thousand 600 meters for the test of swimming among The Gayra - Large Island in the bay of Portobelo; 35 kilometers, for the cycling crossing currents of water, stony earthly, in order then to rise a mountainous land of 70 degrees of inclination, for which the cyclists will have to charge their mountaineers for two kilometers and the career on foot by paths of steep
Pending, it finished in the ruins of Portobelo. Prizes In this edition seven thousand will be distributed balboas among the ten first athletes (seven men and three women) in crossing the goal, without importing the category and will be governed under the parameters of the International Union of Triathlon, that offered points for ladies and gentlemen for the Olympic Games.
It will compete in the categories since the 18 years to the 56, being opened a special route for this last group. The ladies will also be dividadas in groupsof 10 years of difference, leaving also since the 18 years. Can participate individually and by teams, having a cost of 60 and of 170 balboas, respectively. It is permitted to do one of the phases to a participant. The triathlon of Portobelo is a sports competence that serves al same time of promotional window for the region as tourist destiny.
Some pictures from last year's event which you can browse...
Gotta hit the pool!
Vance - 2007 NFA
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Arrival into Panama...
I got into Panama about 8 PM local time. Did an easy jog of about 30 mins, made a few calls, took a shower and ate dinner. I then wrote the diary for Inside Tri, hopefully it will be up in the morning.
It's midnight here, so have to go to bed. Plenty of pictures coming soon, I promise.
Vance - 2007 NFA
Tuesday, March 6, 2007
Packing for Panama
The season is about to officially start. Once I get on that plane in the morning, headed to Panama, it all begins. Luckily, I love this race and love what I do, so it's an exciting time! If you don't know about this race, IT'S KILLER!
I will be doing the racer diary at www.InsideTriathlon.com, so you can follow the fun and follies of my travels and racing on this trip. Unfortunately, I do not have the Kuota Kup yet, so the 29er will be the bike of choice for this race. (I'm actually excited to race it again!) Why the 29er? Because the race is off-road, and in some instances, that is an understatement! I'll be doing some discussion on the course in the coming days.
I am pretty happy with where everything in my training and preparation is at. I am certainly not in any peak for this race, but I am ready for it. I am over my sickness, (just getting the last residual crap out of my sinuses and lungs in the AM), and am swimming well, running strong, and just got some solid results from my lactate test yesterday with Roch Frey.
I was wondering if I should tell people what my numbers were, but I figure what the hell. I'm sure Rappstar is studying up, wanting to know where others are at, (hahaha). Executive summary, Aerobic Threshold was 300 watts, LT was 350 watts. Not bad, considering I'm still about 7-9 lbs heavier than I was for Florida, and the big training hasn't even really started. The picture below is from the test, and no, I'm not on the Kalibur yet. Because they're equipping it full SRAM, I will get it after I get back from Panama.

I hope to do another test in about 6-8 weeks. Should be interesting to see the effects of the training, and who knows how much faster I'll be on the new bike. I already know the Kalibur will allow me to have much more drop than the Transition, but of course you have to find the balance of aerodynamics and power.
Sunday, March 4, 2007
Another weekend down
The weekend is over, and I am back to normal. Still coughing up a bit of my lungs, but no more medicine, thankfully. I am definitely feeling better. Although, I had a few beers and burgers at Rocky's Tavern which have had me feeling a little sick this evening. Once you get away from that greasy stuff, it's amazing how the body doesn't want it anymore.
I did a steady 90 mins this AM, followed by an open-water swim workout with about 6 or 7 of my local clients. We met at La Jolla shores, and it was a nice day, about 75 degrees. The water was a bit cold though, around 60 degrees. Made for a chilly start!
We practiced a lot of crowded starts, sprints to a buoy, drafting and left turns, to prepare for Oceanside. Most of my clients will be doing the 70.3 race there.
I brought out a new buoy I had, and tested out my new Zenith for the 2007 season. Good little session. Now that I'm writing this, I wish I had taken some pictures, IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL DAY!
Monday morning I will be packing up the bike for Panama, and then seeing Roch Frey in the afternoon to do a lactate test on my tri bike.
I'll have to clean up my mountain bike a bit before I pack it, because on Saturday I rode with my boys Rob and Kevin, showing them Black Mountain. It was pretty muddy, but a lot of fun! On the steep descent on the back side, Kevin nearly ate it! Front wheelie, not sure how he managed to hold it.
In other news, I should have my new bikes soon after returning from Panama! Apparently the tri bike and mtn bike will be equipped FULLY with SRAM! I'm pretty excited about it! Probably means I'll be selling my other bikes soon. Anybody interested? I'll post the pics of them on here for sale soon, but let me know if you're interested.
Soon I'll begin the Panama portion of the blog...stay tuned!
Vance - 2007 NFA
Friday, March 2, 2007
Staying on course...
I was back at it today, but only lightly. Put in 3000 yards in the pool, with about 800 of it fast. I rode my bike to the pool, (no, not the new one yet), and then rode to meet my new trainer, John Swain in La Jolla.
John really impressed me. He's got all sorts of certifications, ART, Massage Therapy, BS, and a bunch of others I probably can't remember. But the big thing was his ability to really connect the dots, and show me my weakness and how to improve them. I learned so much today, as he nearly did a full assessment of my strengths and weaknesses, and really showed them to me.
I really believe he will be a great addition to my training and support group!
One of my clients emailed me, asking about my training while being sick. It was a good question, on how to handle training with sickness. First I would say that you need to honestly assess your level of sickness. If you are slightly confused or doubtful about your state of health, CONSULT A PHYSICIAN!
For me, I paid attention to the main symptoms, and what was missing. I had a sinus problem, but not a chest issue, a small throat irritation but no fever. The main clue for me was I did not have any yellow flem, or snot, (sorry for the gross details), indicating an infection.
Even though mine was more of an irritation, than a virus or infection, I still needed a few days of nothing. I worked back slowly when I started to see my condition improve, but not right back into it full-bore! I was lucky that it coincided with my recovery week.
If you're sick, you have to accept a few truths:
1. You're sick.
2. You're sick, and if you even tried to do any working out, it would be crappy, and pretty much worthless.
3. You're sick, and working out seriously will depress your immune system further, possibly prolonging your sickness.
4. You're sick, and your fitness may decline slightly, but you're going to get it back quicker than you think.
5. You're sick, and sometimes there are advantages to that! You may lose the lbs you've been wanting to lose, or give your body time to heal over the injuries you've been fighting. Sometimes injuries and sickness can be blessings in disguise!
6. You're sick, so focus on your diet, hydration and sleep! Forget about training for awhile.
7. You're sick, just in case you forgot.
Hope this helps anyone who might be dealing with sickness. Got to get to bed now, riding mtb in the morning with some friends. Conquering Black Mountain!
Vance - 2007 NFA
Thursday, March 1, 2007
And the Oscar goes to.....
Well, I've made my decision. I've been mulling over it, (as being sick has given me plenty of free time to think about it), and I'm happy to announce I will be riding Kuota this year! This is the Kalibur above...But I think I will ride a Kalibur with the same paint job as the Kredo below...

In case you're wondering about their mountain bikes, Nico LeBrun won the 2005 XTERRA World Title on the Kuota Kup! I will be riding it at the two XTERRA events I'll race this year.