Sorry for a lack of recent posts, but things have been busy as I prepare for this weekend's race. I'll be heading to central California for one of the biggest, and coolest triathlons in the world, Wildflower. About 9,000 athletes competing over the 3-day festival.
I'm racing the half-Ironman Saturday against a field which includes Olympians, World Champions, Ironman Champions, and perhaps the biggest assembly of talent outside a major championship race in the world this year. It will be a great chance to see where I stack up. The race is Saturday, so I'll probably post a race report on here come Monday.
I'll be going with 2 friends who are racing the half-ironman as well, who are Navy Seals. They are my boys!
My wife is also going, and we're meeting my mother-in-law there as well. It will be her first time seeing me race in person, (she watched Ironman Florida online), so she is excited. I'm especially excited to see her have the opportunity to understand better what I do. It will also be great for my wife to have someone there to share her nervous energy with!
If you want to check out the race, http://www.tricalifornia.com/wildflower/2007/ is the place!
I'll also have a number of clients of mine racing, which will be exciting. I'm anxious to see how they do.
Wish me luck...
Vance - 2007 NFA
1 comment:
Good luck Jim! Rock it! See you there too.
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