The new year is coming up, and no doubt you're getting excited about the races, back to training, and your schedule. I was sitting, reflecting on some lessons I've learned and how I need to remember them for next year. Here's what I came up with, and I hope they help you.
- Though we measure champions by the titles they win, they show their champions by overcoming obstacles and tough times, many of which we never know about, or get to see from the outside looking in. When you're facing tough times in 2007, because they will happen, be a champion.
- Injuries can be a blessing in disguise.
- Don't be afraid to ask for help, you never know what it can do for you until you try it. I asked Peter Reid for help, and he did more for me than I ever could have imagined.
- When your motivation is lacking, or you think you're too tired to get in the next workout, just focus on getting out the door. Don't think about anything beyond getting your clothes on for your run, ride or swim, and getting out the door to start it. You never finish 100% of the workouts you don't start.
- Set goals. Don't be afraid to reach higher than you've ever reached. If you're satisfied with what you've already done, it's time to move on to a new challenge.
- Make a motivational poster, and put it where you can read it everyday, to remind yourself of your goals.
- Lastly, avoid negative people, and conversely, associate more with positive people.
Have a happy new year!
Thursday, December 28, 2006
A few thoughts for the new year...
Friday, December 22, 2006
A great story about a client...
As many of you know, I coach people for triathlon, as well as running and cycling. I have a client who came to me back in mid-summer. I will call him Tom, (although this is not his real name.) Tom came to me with a goal of qualifying for the Boston Marathon. His personal best time was just under 4 hours, and he would need to run 3:10:59 to qualify.

Friday, December 15, 2006
Busy Times with Sponsors and Wedding
Union Tribune - Local, San Diego newspaper, with a similar article.
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
Return to training...
So I'm back from Vegas, and back in the swing of things, sort of. Earned an Ironman title with the level of partying I did in Vegas! 16 guys, and I was the last man standing at his own bachelor party! Impressive, but I've been sleeping a lot now!
Pete has got me on a one-workout per day only plan. Kind of nice, because it helps me get back into things slowly, and hopefully injury free. It also allows me a lot more free time to get things done which are totally unrelated to training, (like my wedding and coaching!)
Training right now for all my clients is similar, except they train more than once a day on a few days of the week. For them, the focus in December is all about technical development. This includes swimming, biking, running and even transition work. Volume and intensity are secondary. There are no intervals really this month, or tempo runs, etc.
If you're reading this, and hammering out volume right now, I would suggest backing off and doing something more along these lines. With the holidays coming up, little to no racing happening anywhere, this is not a time for training to be at the top of your priority list. Keep your workouts fun, and with a specifc technical focus, and enjoy swimming, biking and running! Use them to alleviate a little stress, but save the big efforts for 2007. Enjoy time with your family, friends, eating junk food, etc. Not too many times can you get that kind of green light!
Enjoy yourself...
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Change of focus...
This time of year is sometimes hard to deal with, and sometimes all I want to keep up all year. Since Ironman Florida, I've only done 4 runs, and one easy group ride. I've been drinking beer and eating a ton of junk food! (Probably not the best recovery method physically, but mentally, it's spot-on!)
I'm so busy getting sponsorship proposals going, and sent out in time. Tons of phone calls, lots of research for companies who I can get sponsorships with possibly, and of course, the holidays. Luckily, I've decided not to even worry about how much food I eat, and weight I gain. It's a real break from the norm I've had in the past few years.
Coaching is getting crazy busy, so I'm having to really sit-down and make sure I'm on top of it. I'm excited about the clients I've got though, and think this year could be really awesome.
I'm headed to Vegas this Friday night, for my Bachelor Party! Right now it's 15 buddies from San Diego, college teammates and other friends from all over the country, my brother, and my fiance's brother, all meeting there! Should be pretty awesome. I'm sure after this weekend, I'll feel like I don't want any more beer for a LONG TIME! One of the boys going with me is jameson, so I'm sure he'll have some interesting things to write about the weekend! (And if you've read his blog, you know he loves beer!)
Speaking of beer and sponsors, I'm working on a local San Diego brewery as a sponsor. Wish me luck on that one!
Till later...NFA.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Jim Vance Ironman Racing...Step 1, the off-season!
So this is the start....I've decided to do a blog, and let people follow my journey. Should be a great year, and hopefully longer! Stay tuned to all the fun, but for now, it's the off-season. Go drink some beer and eat some turkey! See you soon...