Saturday, October 13, 2007

4:30 AM in Kona

Well it's early. Up and having coffee, some breakfast, and doing the last things before heading out.

In a Murphy's Law kind of irony, we had an issue with the smoke alarm going nuts last night. I could not figure out why, but it kept going off, waking me up! I had to laugh, because of it course it happens last night. My condo is not very good, and this was the cherry on top. Orlanda told me I just became immune to it and slept thru it after a while. I unplugged the battery out of one of the alarms, but the other was wired into the ceiling, making it difficult. I was so groggy when it was happening initially, that I couldn't even tell which smoke alarm it was!

We'll be heading out shortly, but thanks for everyone who has called, emailed, posted here, etc. Should be a fun day!


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