In case you haven't seen the cool photo spread, here it is in the July Issue...
Never had a picture this big and cool in magazine. I really like this one, especially since it's clear I didn't have to get off the bike like the guys behind me! Hahaha...
Training is going well, motivation continues to be high. Been kicking my ass with core conditioning like never before, and in the weight room. Even added Yoga and Pilates classes. My commitment level has jumped. Believe it or not, I've already lost 4 lbs in a week, and believe me when I tell you it wasn't water weight!!!
Trying to balance all my other responsibilities is the challenge now, but I may be cutting some of the fat from my life soon, in order to keep my focus.
Just became an uncle for the 2nd time yesterday. Heading up to Nor Cal to see the little gal, and attend a wedding. Not taking my bike, so heading up to hopefully do plenty of running and maybe a swim, while staying in Marin at Orlanda's parents' house.
Thursday night is the big "biathlon" here in Mission Beach. What is a biathlon? Well, I thought biathlons had guns and skiing, but apparently this one is just a run and swim, with a beer stop in the middle of the run. I did the race last year, and set the course record. This year I expect bigger challenges, so we will see how it goes.
More info can be found at:
Hope to see many of you out there!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Inside Triathlon Magazine
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Back to Basics
With apologies to the late Biggie Smalls...
"I'm going-going, back-back to"...BASICS!
Last Sunday I did the Tri Club race, and it was the first club race I'd done in about 3 years. It felt good to get back to it. I've done tons of Aquathlons, (I'll be back out there tonight), but not any triathlons. It's funny to reflect back on that little Glorietta Bay park, and remember that was where I got my start in the sport. I couldn't swim worth a damn, couldn't even put my face in the water. I borrowed a wetsuit, a bike, and somehow after coming out nearly last from the water, ended up 5th. Wow..I've come a long ways since that May 2003 race.
Since IMCDA, I've done a lot of reflection and trying to make some decisions. Some of the things I've realized is that I've gotten away from some things which I enjoyed, and sometimes looked at the big picture too much. It's time for me to go back to the things which made me successful. I've got enough base training, and I'm strong. Now it's time to step it up. It's all about balance, and I think in some ways I was too far to one extreme.
My motivation and attitude are at a new high, and I'm excited to get fit and love training. I'm actually at the exact opposite point I was last year at this time after IMCDA. I was tired, burned out, ready for a break. Now I'm motivated, excited and looking forward to kicking some ass in November! (Or even sooner!)
I'm racing XTERRA Nationals in Tahoe, October 5th. That's a warning shot for some of you out there...I'm going to toe the line, and I hope you're ready for me! Ironman training be damned, I'm going to be strong and ready for a great race there. I love XTERRA, and I'm excited to get back to the line. I've got an amazing mountain bike, Look 986, and my butt is yearning to rub in that saddle! It should be a good time. (BTW, check out the new Inside Tri issue, big photo spread of me on the 986 at XTERRA West!)
I'm getting back into the weight room, attacking! I'm eating up the core strengthening like a desperate whore! My new weight goal is sub 160! I'll be riding the razor, but I'll be dangerous come race day.
My volume is a little high this week, but I'm enjoying it. I'm anxious to get the running back to what it was in 2006. When I came off the bike at Florida and ran 1:20 for the first half-marathon, I was so confident I could race with anyone in the world. My goal is to get back to that point. I'll be introducing more intensity into my running, (Kevin McCarey workouts on Saturday mornings, Sunday Cardiff long runs with the boys), and even hitting the track again.
My swimming right now is as good as it's ever been, and I think will soon be at a new level. Cycling still needs work, but I'm not afraid of putting in the time and work.
There's a large contingent of San Diego Tri Club members going to IMAZ in November, (literally in the hundreds), and I'd love nothing better than to be in the hunt for the win there with their support.
I turned 32 a few days before CDA. I don't know how many years I have left in the sport at this level, but I do know I'm not taking it for granted. So if I seem to be in a selfish state, please understand.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Before I retire, I really want to race in Germany. If not Roth, then IM Germany. And this is why...
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
More Coeur d'Alene Photos
Well, as much as I thought I was being smart about not doing San Diego International, it became clear on Sunday that the decision would have been made for me. My hamstring was pretty messed up and I couldn't jog more than a mile. No way I would have been able to race. Now just focusing on getting back into things and working toward IMAZ.
Here are some photos from IMCDA, for you to enjoy. If you happen to have any which you could email me, I'd appreciate it. jvance at trainingbible dot com.